I Took a Leap of Faith and Started a Youtube Channel!

I Took a Leap of Faith and Started a Youtube Channel!

Earlier this year, I launched this blog, which was a huge accomplishment given that I’ve been wanting to do it for ages. I realized that some of the content on here would be more beneficial in a video format. This brought me to another goal of mine and that is to start a YouTube channel.

I know… it’s 2021. Is it too late? Who knows?! I thought, “If not now, then when?”

In mid-February, I did Ali Abdaal’s Part-Time YouTube Academy and it was simply incredible. Before the starting the class, I set the following goals for myself:

1. Start the YouTube channel
2. Publish at least 6 videos before the end of the course

Simple, not too ambitious, but achievable. However, the experience far exceeded my expectations.

I ended the course achieving both goals, but also a community of content creators from all around the world. I never imagined that I would have support doing this.

It’s nice to see everyone’s struggles and successes as it keeps me focused and reminds me that I’m not alone in this endeavor.

I’d love to for you to check out my YouTube channel and go on this journey with me. I’m excited to bring you content in the platform/medium that I think will best benefit you.

Don’t miss out on new videos!


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